Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Promotion Celebration

This past year we were a part of a private school satellite program for homeschooling called APS.  It was good for us in the sense that it helped us transition from being overseas and it gave the boys opportunities to be around other homeschoolers their age.

As the year came to a close we were able to take part in the promotion and graduation celebration. The boys got to sing a couple of songs with their friends and they even received a special promotion certificate.

It was their first time singing in front of a group of people. Both boys admitted that they were a bit nervous before going on stage!

They really made it a special evening and I may have shed a few tears.

Look who was in town? Grandma Judy made came for a visit and so she got to take part in the celebration.

Monday, June 23, 2014

End of the School Year

Last day of school was June 6! As the end of the school year approached I started getting a bit sentimental. Of course I'm more than ready for summer but as a year passes I begin to realize how quickly it's all going by. A friend of mine posted this saying on Facebook: "The days seem so long but the years sure seem to go by so fast!"