Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ten Years and Counting

Jon and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage today.  I am really so thankful to the Lord for him.  I can't believe how the Lord has blessed me with such an amazing man that I really don't deserve.   So here are some fun things i've learned about my "baby bear" in the last 10 years.

- he isn't crazy about cucumbers.  This is the kind of guy he is though; after several years of serving them for lunch he only told me a few months ago that he didn't like them.
- he doesn't like it when I finish his sentences!  Another testimony of his patience with me......he kindly told me to stop doing this only a couple of months ago.  But guess what?  Hard habits are hard to break.
- he likes watching "chick flicks" with me and always lets me pick what movie to watch on our Friday nights DVD nights.
- he also likes to shop.
- he can be a little OCD and it drives me nuts but really his obsession with research and finding the right prices has saved us a ton of money.
- he is the best daddy to our two boys.  When he was single he didn't want any kids at all but I am so thankful he changed his mind.
- and he is the best husband ever.  I prayed fervently to the Lord to bring me a man like this and I am so thankful the Lord heard and answered my prayers.


rick said...

Congrats! What a blessing!

Unknown said...

yaaaay!! congratulations on 10 years!!