Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Big Autumn Show

I posted before how we have Josiah and Nathan in a sort of Russian School through the central church here in Samara. On October 31 they had a big "prazdneek" or festival to celebrate Fall. The boys had to learn songs in Russian which Josiah only was able to learn the chorus of his song "dos vidanya osen" or good-bye Fall. The funny thing is that now whenever he says the formal good-bye to an adult he tells them "dos vidanya osen".........what a silly boy.

Here is Josiah performing his song. It cracks me up that every kid is doing a different motion. Above Josiah is Nahum, on the left is Isaac and on the right is Alisha (the children of the other missionary families we minister with).

I don't know this kid's name but I love his's so retro!!!
Love his outfit

The teachers put on a play. It was really cute even though I didn't totally understand it. I think the fruits needed water.......whatever, it was just comical to see them all dressed up and the kids loved it.
Cucumber, Tomatoe, and Watermelon

Here are my two cuties. Nathan was supposed to get on stage and "sing" his song but he was being super stubborn and chose to sit this one out. Oh well, maybe for the Christmas prazdneek he'll cooperate.
Jojo and Nathan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my goodness i LOVE the suit!!!!