Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Day (Afternoon)

In the afternoon we met the Klassens at the Samara Square (Samarckaya Ploshed). Here are the kiddos in front of a big tree. The sign on it says "Happy New Year".

Everyone, including the adults, had a lot of fun playing in the snow. Josiah got clobbered in the face by a snowball thrown by "uncle" Brad. Jon did his best to get Brad back. Jon was also acting like a teenager and throwing himself onto the snow piles. He paid for it the next day.

This is a Russian Orthodox church. It is probably one of the most popular sites in Samara. It sits on a hill overlooking the Volga River. I have never seen it in person and we have lived here for almost 4 years!

This is another popular site which I saw for the first time. It is a memorial to Russian soldiers. The profile on this side is a mother and........

this is the profile of a soldier.

Then it was time for some sledding!


By the Brook said...

Do the Russian kids also refer to adults whom they know as 'Auntie and Uncle'? We do that in Africa too. Thanks for the pics. I enjoy your blog- you're good at it. Love to Heather from me too. Looking forward to seeing you all later this year, Lord willing.

Natalie said...

You know what? I have no clue!!! I think maybe they do but not totally sure. But on the team we do have the kids call the grown-ups by uncle and auntie.

Can't wait to catch up with you guys "live" in August. I have been praying for you and all those health issues. I enjoy your blog too : )!!!