Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Days 162 -168

DAY 168
Yep, Nathan has been playing outside and tracking mud.

DAY 167
The boys with their cousin Madison.  Josiah and Madison fight like brother and sister but love each other to pieces.

DAY 166
Was able to get out to the grocery store and bought some blueberries.  Jojo just loves these and they aren't easy to find in Russia.

DAY 165
Taken on the iPhone at Frankfurt airport and waiting to board our long flight to Los Angeles.  The boys did real well on both legs of the flight.

DAY 164
Here we are with the Zubarevs.  This was our last time seeing them.  They moved to the States.  We will really miss them.

DAY 163
Our church's womens conference.  I was really so blessed by this day.

DAY 162
At the staff picnic where I got a zillion mosquito bites.

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