Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Milestone

Yesterday was a big milestone in Jojo's life!  He finally rode his bike without training wheels. When you live in Russia there is a brief window of opportunity to ride your bike. We thought of taking the training wheels off last year in the fall but he just wasn't ready nor did he really care. He was happy to ride with his training wheels and didn't even care that his friends didn't use training wheels on their bikes. Yesterday was the first day we took the bikes out since the end of fall last year. I really didn't think he would be ready but he asked Jon to take them off and off he went. He was obviously ready and he surprised both Jon and I! He was also pretty ecstatic about it.
 As a mom it was kinda hard to "let go" of him but when I saw
how confident he was I knew he was ready!

Naynay says he's not ready yet!

To celebrate we went and had lunch at KFC by
the train station. 


Unknown said...

YAY!!!!! see you in greeeeeeeeece...

amybolsas5 said...
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Our Family said...

Tell JoJo "Way to go!" from Sioux City! We're proud of him!

Leonie Kuypers said...
