Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year - New Goals

As the new year rolls around everyone usually sets their resolutions. Some people can be pretty negative about the whole idea but I see setting goals or resolutions as something positive. It just so happens that a new year is a great time for many people to re-evaluate their lives and try to make changes. I think the problem is when we try to accomplish these goals on our own strength and will.

There are some things in my life that I definitely need to work on. One being my quiet times with the Lord. In the last couple of years I have done a reading through the Bible plan which I still plan to continue. While we lived in Russia I had the privilege of teaching in my small group and in a couple of other wives' groups........this kept me accountable and also allowed me to really dig into the Word and actually study it. I have to confess that I haven't been so great at studying Scripture since we've moved back. So, I am starting "The Book-A-Month Bible Study". The study can be found here on the TMS Seminary Wives link. You will just need to scroll down to page 5. I am personally going through the book of I Peter in January and I am super excited about it.

Another area in my life where I need to really make some changes is in my diet and exercise. Seriously, how in the world did 30 extra pounds creep up on me since I've been married??? I suppose it's age and metabolism but the bottom line is that it's also self-control and discipline!!!
Lately I haven't been wanting to have pictures taken of myself or I hide behind my kids. I'd like to lose 10 pounds by summer time and I'll set another goal then. I'm blogging about it because I figure it doesn't hurt to have this blog as a chronicle of these goals and to periodically check in about them.

There are many other goals or resolutions I have and I pray that in the Lord's strength that I will be able to maintain faithful to working on all of them. After all, in Philippians 2:12 the apostle Paul encourages us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling" meaning that I am to constantly be pursuing obedience in the process of my sanctification!

How about you, how do you feel about resolutions or goals in the new year? Have you made any?

Here are two encouraging articles on New Year's resolutions and Jonathan Edwards' resolutions.

Paul Tripp on Ringing in the New Year

Matt Perman on How to be Productive in 2013

The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards

Posted also on: Weekly Wrap - Up

1 comment:

Susan said...

Natalie, I love your blog, and hope others will find you and see why I love I am giving you the Liebster Award. To accept this award you must answer my 11 questions (that I posted on my blog), come up with 11 questions of your own, and then nominate 3-11 other blogs that have less than 200 "followers" and which you would like others to find out about.
If you don't wish to participate just let me know. :)