Monday, February 15, 2010

Cabin Fever

It has been a real cold winter this year. I am sort of a weather nerd because I keep record of the daily temperatures. It is real fun to take out my old calendars where I log the daily temps and see what the average temps are. Anyway, this year it has been the longest period of time we have had with extreme cold temps. The last 6 weeks have been too cold. I am not complaining but just stating a fact. In the mornings it is usually below 0 (Fahrenheit) and will warm up to about to 3 - 5 degrees above 0. No fun, especially when you have little ones. For Josiah this isn't really a problem because he loves to stay indoors but Nathan is always on the go and loves going outside. I try to keep them as busy as possible and I can't help but feel bad for them. Truthfully though, they have been great about it.

This day they decided to take out all their toys! I think it took longer for them to clean up than the actual time they played with their toys!

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