Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Happiness

Well even though we've had a house full of sickies there has been much to be thankful for and lots of things that have brought a smile or laughter to my heart.

1. A fresh blanket of snow which makes everything look so pretty outside.
2. Grateful that Heather found a good dentist and that she was there to help me out on Monday when I had to go to the dentist for a broken tooth!!
3. The boys are all feeling better today!
4. A fun team/Valentines meeting with Rick Holland on Sunday evening.
5. Leftovers for dinner tonight, that means I didn't have to cook!!!!
6. Redeemed my iTunes gift card from Christmas for some fun songs and thankful that Jon downloaded them for me onto my iPod even though he isn't crazy about any of the songs.
7. Dancing alone in the kitchen to some of my fun songs!
8. Amazed that in Exodus 33:11 it says "Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend". WOW!!!!!
9. Laughing that I actually wrote #7 and then #8!!!


rick said...

What songs? What songs?

Natalie said...

I'm almost too embarrassed to list them .......... but here they are!

You Belong With Me / Taylor Swift

Shut Up / BEP

Girlfriend and When You're Gone / Avril Lavigne

Vacation and We Got the Beat / Go-Gos

Single Ladies / Beyonce

Empire State of Mind and No One/ Alicia Keys

November Rain / Guns N' Roses

Cryin' / Aerosmith

Kinda sporadic!!!

rick said...

A *LOT* of choice cuts there! I approve of most of them.

I actually karaoke'd "Single Ladies" at our annual awards event for work last month. Won a cash prize too.