Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Heart

When I joined Facebook and started blogging I chose to never comment on political issues or to not even get too deep with my status updates or blogs. I also made a choice to never complain about the weather or illnesses. I'm sure I may have broken these rules in the past but I do try to keep an active awareness of the kinds of things I DON'T want to express. Lately on Facebook and even on a couple of blogs (of people who I don't really know but admire) I have noticed a ton of complaining about anything and everything. It could be that I am trying to be sensitive to having a complaining heart in my own life that brings these things to light or maybe it's because I am trying to teach my boys to not complain or whine so much! Anywho, as a result I am starting to keep a weekly little log of the things that make my heart happy!

1. Jojo told me I looked pretty : )
2. I caught the boys hugging and telling each other "I love you".
3. Rick Holland came to Samara!!!
4. Jon washed the dinner dishes..........again!!!
5. Finally found a great fudge recipe.
6. Being able to wake up before the boys do and get some time in the Word and in prayer.

What made your heart happy this week?


azuremle said...

Thanks for this timely reminder and for going a bit deeper in this post! Elijah's kisses, Anna's secrets (usually "Mummy I love you and love playing with you!") and Rosie's giggles make my heart happy!

Karla said...

That's a great idea!