Monday, March 29, 2010


We are not real big pet fans around here.  For one thing both Jon and I are extremely allergic to cats.  I was never raised with dogs and I am actually afraid of them not to mention the fact that  I think they stink. Jon on the other hand was raised with dogs and would love to one day get a dog.  I did have two parakeets growing up.  Tweety died from pneumonia in the winter.  Kilai was set free by my oldest sister Alex.  You see Kilai was a loud parakeet and my sister Alex was tired of the poor thing.  So one day she took my sister Monica and I out to the backyard along with Kilai in it's cage.  She then lifted the top of the cage and set Kilai free.  It was quite a traumatic experience for both of us. 

Lately though Josiah has been asking about having a pet.  I think it comes from watching cartoons or something.  Last week he told me he wanted a seahorse.  I was like........WHAT????  A seahorse.  I have no idea where that idea came from.  Well, I decided to go on the internet and do some research on seahorses as pets.  I figured they were like goldfish but boy was I wrong.  One seahorse can cost up to $60.  Then I read that setting up a tank for seahorses costs from $500 - $1,000.  I guess you have to have a salt water tank and it requires quite the maintenance.  I also read that seahorses can get a lot of parasites if the salt water isn't the right acidity.  They also have a special diet of brine shrimp.  One site suggested that in another tank you should breed brine shrimp so that you have a steady supply.  Ummmm, no thanks.  Josiah will not be getting a pet anytime soon.  I suggested to Jon that we get a fish or something but he said fish stink.  Oh well.


rick said...

Speaking of brine shrimp, get him some sea monkeys:

I had some for a while. Easy to manage.

Unknown said...

that's funny b/c cael has had the pet fever too lately. after 2 beta fish who have both died, we're taking a break from pets. i feel your pain.