Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Countdown To Thanksgiving Day 3

Today Josiah and I finished our unit study on Thanksgiving.  Throughout the month of November I also had him do some sheets where he drew a  picture of what he was thankful for and had to copy a verse.  He doesn't know yet but I'm giving him Thursday and Friday off!  We both need a break!  I really need to get some baking and cooking done also!

We made a little book of all the material we used for our unit study.

Jojo is thankful for his grammas and his tias (aunts-my sisters).
His grandma Maria is even wearing her glasses and after he
drew his gramma's pictures he said "my grandmas are crazy!"
He also chose to give his tias purple hair.

He also gave thanks for his Uncle Jay, Aunt Cori, Kate, 
Luke, and their new puppy Lucy.

On the right he is giving thanks for Zhenya and Christina. 
He drew Christina with a big belly since she is pregnant!

Some of the other things that he was thankful for: "famle", "frns",and cousins.  He never once mentioned being thankful for materialistic things but I'm sure if he would have thought about it Legos would have been his top choice!  It was a fun study for us and we finished our study by watching a short clip of Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving on you tube!

And I'm thankful for the opportunity I get to homeschool!  It has been quite a learning process for me.  I have been stretched in more ways than I ever imagined but truth be told I am enjoying it!  Plus I am learning new things every single day!!!

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