Saturday, July 7, 2012

Back in Cali.!

We made it safe and sound to California! Our time in Greece was amazing and as soon as I have a chance to get on my hubby's Mac, I'll start posting about our time there. Our trip was pretty uneventful aside from the screaming baby, the drunk non-stop cursing Swedish man who sat behind us, and of course the cute little girl who sat behind me and kicked my seat non-stop! We always look forward to watching a movie on the long flight home but my monitor was broken! It was actually almost humorous, the flight attendent kept trying to re-set it to fix it but it never worked. I was real cordial about it and took it as a "sign" from God that instead I should be doing other things such as praying or reading instead. To my surprise the attendant came back with a 50 euro voucher for me to do some on flight shopping! Wow-what a treat......I defintely didn't expect that!!! Since we've been back we have really just been trying to get acclimated to the time change, gone to Target, trying to fight off whatever virus Nathan picked up at the conference (poor guy has a very high fever), Jon's visited the urologist for his kidney stone which is actually 2 stones, and last night we ate from the food trucks that park on Friday nights near my mom's home(post to come). We've also realized how our kids have been so used to living in another culture. Even in their young age they don't quite get some things. Nathan has adamantly told us that he only likes Russian hot dogs, and Russian pickles. He also doesn't understand why the grocery stores here don't sell Kinder eggs! The funniest thing is that yesterday I fed the boys some Kraft Mac and Cheese and they had no clue what in the world it was!!! Nathan is anxious to get back to Samara and he keeps putting aside some toys that he recently bought to take back with him!!! We're happy that that the boys enjoy living in Russia and have their favorite things there. I'm sure they will discover some new favorites here in California too!

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