Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday

It's time again to count the many blessings the Lord has showed me this past week.

1. Today is Josiah's 9th birthday and I am so thankful for him!He's been such a blessing to our life. He is truly a compassionate boy, cares for others, has an amazing memory, notices things about people that I never pay attention to, and asks some amazing spiritual questions that get deferred to dad! I pray that the Lord will draw Josiah to Him one day and that he will serve God with a whole heart.

2. I'm also so grateful that our travels to Samara went smoothly. The boys did great on the flights and on the 6 hour layover we had in Germany. We are especially grateful that we made it "through" our entry into Russia.

3. I'm also praising God that the boys have acclimated so quickly again to living in Samara. They were so happy to be in our "home" and to see their old toys again. They were especially happy to eat kielbasa and black bread again. Often times I feel that as a parent I am not providing enough stability for the boys but I believe that in the long run the lessons they are learning in flexibility in their childhood will help them in their future.

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