Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Camp

Last year for summer camp our church put on a one day summer camp but this year they had an overnighter! Thank God it was just one night because I was a nervous wreck.....I can't imagine if it was a whole week. When I was Josiah's age I would go to summer camp for a whole week. I don't know how my mom was able to send me off for so many days.
Jojo and his roommate. 

This is Jojo with his Sunday School teacher the amazing Mr. White. He's going on 82!
On Saturday Jon got to hang out with Jojo all day.
There were several sessions with skits, worship, and teaching.

Game time!

Jon was sweet enough to Instagram the whole day for me so I could see what they were doing. Jojo had a great time of course but he was absolutely exhausted by the time he got home.

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