Monday, April 6, 2015

Whale Watching

On Saturday we headed to Newport Beach to go whale watching. This was a first for all of us. We were so eager to see some whales but sadly the whales weren't cooperating. The boat gave us $7 vouchers to return another day and try again. We still had a great time and the weather was beautiful out in the Pacific Ocean!
Naynay was a little scared at first since it was his first time on a boat on the ocean.

It was beautiful and sunny!

We only saw a couple of dolphins.

We then saw these California sea lions basking in the sun.

After our boat ride we still had a little time left on the parking meter so we headed to the pier.

When we got to the end of the pier this little guy wanted to play. 

We hope to redeem our vouchers at some point and hopefully we'll catch a glimpse of some whales!


Our Family said...

Wonderful photos, Natalie! Thanks for sharing your fun!

Susan said...

Hi Natalie,
We just visited California and Arizona, did a little road trip, last week to see family...beautiful pictures! The sea lions are so adorable, as are the pics of your family. Blessings!