Thursday, June 11, 2015

End of the School Year

Well it happened again! We finished another school year. We've actually been finished for 3 1/2 weeks now! This was our first year at the PSP (Private School Program) that is held at our church. We thoroughly enjoyed our year and are looking forward to the fall.

It's been a full year! Probably the biggest and most noticeable change is the background. We are now in our own place in the beautiful city of Moorpark. We love it here even though it has put us a bit further away from church/PSP/friends/family........but it is California and most people drive a distance to get to where they need to be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute boys. And being so, it makes it even harder for me to wrap my mind around something said in your description, which is when you say..."My family brings me so much joy, but I posses a deeper joy in knowing the Lord and Savior."

You'd like the readers to know that your family, people with whom you can interact on a daily basis and with whom you can share personal experiences, bring joy to your life(understandable), but yet, not quite as much joy as an individual who is completely inaudible and not visible to the naked eye. In other words, someone you've never even met face-to-face.

I have to wonder if you can sort of see how that might seem a bit unsettling to someone on the outside looking in. 'Not being confrontational, but I'm genuinely curious about it.